President's Message
As President of the Red Star Pilots Association (RPA) it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website! The RPA is a Federal 501(c) (3) Not-For-Profit corporation registered in the state of Virginia. The association's mission is to promote and preserve the safe operation, display and enjoyment of all aircraft originating in the current and former communist block nations. The RPA strives to function as a clearing house for all information related to maintenance and safe operation of these aircraft. Through our designated Check Pilots and Instructor Pilots, we develop performance standards, principles and techniques which we disseminate to member pilots in order to promote safe formation flight and the safe operation of our aircraft.
Through our website, our national officers and our regional directors, we communicate with members in order to identify issues and concerns, provide training opportunities and organize events that provide resources and foster camaraderie.
We are an FAA-sanctioned signatory to the Formation And Safety Team body known by the abbreviation F.A.S.T. This position allows us to train, qualify and manage civilian formation pilots in the United States and Canada for the safe conduct of formation flight displays in the US and Canadian air show industry. Pilots the world over benefit from formation training at all levels while the public interest is maintained through our efforts to reinforce safety of flight. Membership is open to all pilots, aircraft owners and enthusiasts. You do not need to own an Eastern Block aircraft to become a full member.
Gil "NAFOD" Lipaz
President, Red Star Pilots Association